contoh kalimat hồ dynasty
Tim kami telah diberitahu bahwa terjemahan untuk "hồ dynasty" tidak dapat ditemukan.
dinasti hồ
The rulers of the Hồ (Hu) dynasty of Vietnam claimed to be his descendants. Para penguasa dinasti Hồ (Hu) dari Vietnam diklaim merupaka...

perang ming–hồ
The Ming–Hồ War was a military campaign by the Ming Empire of China to invade Đại Ngu (present-day northern Vietnam) ruled by the Hồ dyn...

hồ chí minh
It is now a part of the city of Tome. Kini merupakan bagian dari Kota Hồ Chí Minh.; On 2 July 1976 it was renamed Hồ Chí Minh City. Pa...

dinasti hồng bàng
Lạc Long Quân (literally "Dragon Lord of Lạc"; also called Hùng Hiền Vương) as known as Hùng Vương II,is considered the second Hùng king...

kota hồ chí minh
It is now a part of the city of Tome. Kini merupakan bagian dari Kota Hồ Chí Minh.; Generally, the term Saigon refers only to the urban...

"Against the Ching Dynasty to recover the Ming Dynasty" "Melawan Dinasti Ching untuk memulihkan Dinasti Ming"; "Against the Ching Dynast...

Jesus H. Christ, I think you've got a hard-on. Oh Tuhanku, sepertinya kau dalam keadaan parah.; Come on, H. Youve gotta do better than t...

achaemenid dynasty
Drypetis or Drypteis (died 323 BCE), was a princess of the Achaemenid dynasty in Persia. Drypetis atau Drypteis (meninggal 323 SM), meru...

afsharid dynasty
1736 – Nader Shah, founder of the Afsharid dynasty, is crowned Shah of Iran. 1736 - Nader Shah, pendiri Dinasti Afsharid, dinobatkan seb...

almoravid dynasty
The rule of the Zirid emirs opened the way to a period in North African history where political power was held by Berber dynasties such ...

antigonid dynasty
The Macedonian army continued to evolve under the Antigonid dynasty. Pasukan Makedonia masih terus mengalami perubahan pada masa Dinasti...

antipatrid dynasty
In the partition of Alexander's empire among the Diadochi, Macedonia fell to the Antipatrid dynasty, which was overthrown by the Antigon...

argead dynasty
The mythical founder of the Argead dynasty is King Caranus. Pendiri mitos dari dinasti Argeadai adalah Raja Karanos. ; Ancient sources g...

aryacakravarti dynasty
In the opinion of Rasanayagam Mudaliar and Swami Gnanapragasar the Aryacakravarti dynasty was connected to the Eastern Ganga Dynasty. Me...

awan dynasty
Kutik-Inshushinak (also known as Puzur-Inshushinak) was king of Elam around 2100 BC, and the last from the Awan dynasty according to the...

ayyubid dynasty
Mansoura was established in 1219 by al-Kamil of the Ayyubid dynasty. Mansoura didirikan pada 1219 oleh al-Kamil dari dinasti Ayyubiyyah....

bagrationi dynasty
Although certain, the generation-by-generation history of the Bagrationi dynasty begins only in the late 8th century. Meskipun pasti, se...

bagratuni dynasty
The History of Armenia was written at the behest of Prince Sahak of the Bagratuni dynasty and has had an enormous impact on Armenian his...

bahri dynasty
She was the wife of As-Salih Ayyub, Egypt Sultan of the Ayyubid dynasty and later Izz al-Din Aybak, Egypt Sultan of the Bahri dynasty. I...